Maintenance Services

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Oil change and repair specialists in Victoria

Does your car need an oil change? Is your alignment seeming off? We can help! Our licensed mechanics and technicians are trained to provide prompt and efficient routine services, as suggested by your vehicle's manufacturer. Browse our list of maintenance services below, then give us a call today at (250) 384-9611 to schedule an appointment! We also provide towing services.
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Oil changes

Regular oil changes are an essential part of your vehicle's maintenance to keep it running smoothly for years to come. We're here to help you extend the life of your vehicle. For our automotive technicians, an oil change is as routine as brushing your teeth in the morning. Whether you're driving a classic Mercedes or a brand new Lincoln, we'll drain your old oil, dispose of it properly, and get new oil into your vehicle in no time at all. 
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Suspension and tire alignments

Is your vehicle swaying to the left or right, rather than moving straight forward? Maybe you've noticed a creaking sound? These and other indicators could mean you need your suspension system repaired. If you notice you're not getting the gas mileage you once did, you might need tire maintenance. From balancing and alignment to rotation, these simple services will extend the life of your tires while also improving your fuel economy and ride. Don't waste unnecessary money on gas. Call us today and we'll get you back to normal! 
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Brake and tune-up services

That squealing or grinding you hear when you apply your vehicle's brakes is a sure sign that you either need new brake pads, or your rotors need to be turned to remove any variations. You can trust our team to make sure your new brake pads are installed properly, so you don't have to worry about any dangerous malfunctions.

Regular tune-ups are an essential part of maintaining and caring for your vehicle to ensure longevity, and avoid costly repairs down the road. When you bring your vehicle into our shop, we'll run diagnostic tests to make sure your engine is running smoothly. We'll let you know what can be done to improve its performance and why. Call us today to schedule an appointment!
Call today to schedule your appointment at (250) 384-9611!
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